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Does the Easing of Cannabis Laws Mean Marijuana is Now Safer? - WebMD Confuses the Chicken and the Egg on Weed Research
WebMD's position on the rescheduling of cannabis is misguided and fails to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence supporting the relative safety of the drug. By claiming that easing marijuana laws doesn't mean the drug is safer, WebMD is perpetuating outdated and inaccurate stereotypes about cannabis.
Pharmaceutical Companies Win Big with Schedule 3 Classification of Cannabis - Desheduling is the Only Way for True Equity
For decades, Joe Biden has been cozy with Big Pharma, accepting millions in campaign contributions from drug companies over his long political career. It's no secret that the pharmaceutical industry vehemently opposes cannabis legalization, as legal weed represents a major threat to their profits from opiate painkillers and other drugs. Pharma much prefers that cannabis remain illegal, or barring that, placed into a restrictive category like Schedule III that they can control and corner the market on.
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$9 Billion in Revenue and $2 Billion in Losses - Why the Marijuana Industry May Never Be Profitable for Investors
The other main problem the industry may never be able to overcome is, as Jeff Bezos put it so well, "your margins are my opportunity".  Once the 280E tax breaks get worked through the system, and that cash bonanza gets dispursed, the industry will always face the unrelenting pressure of the illicit or black market.  As soon as prices start to get too high, where stores and brands start to increase margins, the illicit market will become that much more appealing for their lower prices.  If the legal industry tries to push prices too high, the black market will snag market share from more price conscious consumers.  There is a glass ceiling on how high the legal market will ever be able to raise their prices due to price pressures on the black market.
Do Psychedelic Mushrooms Have an Entourage Effect Similar to Cannabis?
“There are many anecdotal and clinical reports which suggest that extract of psilocybin-containing mushrooms may have unique effects that are qualitatively and quantitatively different from chemical psilocybin, and also some preclinical studies. This observation has important clinical implications and we wanted to test it empirically in a laboratory study,” they said. So for the study, the researchers compared naturally-derived mushroom extracts to chemically made psilocybin, with the intention of discovering whether the other compounds within the extract can provide benefits that are not found when consuming isolated psilocybin.
Is Thailand about to Change Their Cannabis Laws Yet Again? - Go Now While It Is Still a Weed Paradise
According to the news, Thailand’s health minister is set to ban recreational marijuana use completely by year end. A new bill is forecast to be discussed to parliament before session ends in October. Anutin Charnivakul, the public health minister responsible for initially proposing cannabis legalization, didn’t intend for weed to be as widely sold and consumed as it was. Instead, he explained that he merely intended for it to be used medicinally, helping farmers and other industries earn from the economic benefits of cannabis legalization.
What are the Benefits of Smoking Weed Through a Bong? - Pros and Cons?
The third advantage is that a bong offers smooth hits. The smoke from the pipe travels through a body of water, sometimes even through ice, before reaching your lips and lungs. This process significantly cools down the smoke, resulting in a more satisfying and less harsh inhalation experience.
Patient Zero for Untreatable Depression Begins Groundbreaking Psychedelics Therapy - Ending Depression Through Psilocybin?
In a phase 2b clinical trial, Beckley Psytech has started treating the first subject for BPL-003, an intranasal synthetic formulation of the psychedelic chemical 5-MeO-DMT intended for patients with treatment-resistant depression. With FDA clearance for investigational new medication status in February, this groundbreaking research represents the biggest controlled examination into the potential of 5-MeO-DMT, involving 40 locations throughout Australia, Europe, and the US.
A Deep Dive into the Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Mental Health - Swiss Medical Study Gives Fuel for US Research
According to a recent study out of Cambridge in the United Kingdom conducted by researchers from Switzerland’s University of Basel, patients with chronic health problems most especially chronic pain experience significant improvements in their mental health after medical marijuana has been legalized. The researchers assessed feedback from 7.9 million participants of an online survey conducted from 1993 through 2018.
Did the Death of the Lazy Stoner Stereotype Push Cannabis Rescheduling Forward?
The data from this study illustrates that the myth of the lazy stoner is just that—a myth. While cannabis use may indeed have a relaxing effect, it does not necessarily lead to a loss of motivation or productivity. In fact, when an individual is passionate about a particular project or activity, cannabis can be used to enhance the process, especially when tackling stressful and challenging tasks.
Cannabis Makes Gym Workouts More Fun Says New Fitness Study
A recent study from the University of Colorado Boulder is the first to investigate how cannabis sold in legal states can change how people feel about working out. The researchers were particularly interested in common obstacles people cite for not working out, such as lack of motivation and enjoyment, pain, and other factors.
How To
How Not to Roll a Joint : Common Blunders Beginners Make
Rolling a joint seems like a breeze when you watch someone else do it – grind, roll, and puff, right? But when you try it yourself, it’s a whole different story. Don’t sweat it, though. This guide is here to help you go through the rocky road of joint rolling, focusing on what not to do.

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